baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Friday, October 10, 2008

Things that drives me bonkers - #1

Endless email forwards that have no value
Why is it that almost every time I open my email, I have at least one Forward of an email that contains one of the following:

* A dancing icon of an angel or domestic pet telling me to forward this to at least 13 people to have a "blessed" day or to show people you love them.
* A horror story about how you will get cancer from eating or drinking anything. New studies seem to show that we can get cancer a lot of ways now. I received one the other day about a girl that ate too much soy and that, combined with her birth control pills gave her cancer. (In the words of Amy and Seth on SNL Thursday last night, "REALLY? REALLY???"
* A petition for me to sign something to get a big company to stop selling something that has something in it that will kill us or bring danger to us or, once again, give us cancer.
* Political emails that provide false accusations of ANY candidate that you can always find on FALSE

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hey there! (this is in response to the comment you left on my page)Yeah, so I'm finishing up my MBA. I started it about 2 years ago and have been doing it part time at night. These are my FINAL two classes! So, I will graduate in December with an MBA from UNC-Charlotte. I can't wait for it to be OVER!