baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Winter is here

I haven't been blogging lately because sometimes I feel like my blogs are not worthy if not accompanied by photos. Alas...

We woke up this morning to the electricity going on and off. Finally, after about 6 attempts at coming back on, the power was out. At first, I was so happy that we had gas heat so that we wouldn't be cold...then Wes said that the heat can't work because electricity has to run the fan that runs the heat through the house...rats! Well, we do have a gas heated hot water system so I took a very warm shower and got out into a 65 degree tile bathroom floor...yikes! After I got to work, Wes called and said the power was back on, so that's good.
I can't believe how cold it is here! The high is only 44 degrees. Luckily, we have a lot of firewood at the house and should have even more this weekend because one of my co-workers is supposed to come over and help us split some...yes! I love fires when it's cold outside.

p.s. We managed to have a Holiday Party! And it's going to be awesome. We're having something even better than we did last year. Now let's see if Honeywell let's us get our incentive bonuses.

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