baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Monday, January 28, 2008

New House

OK, So I still don't have our first picture in front of our new house. To be honest, there has been way too much going on for any cameo shots lately. It took 4 days, but we finally got into the new house! Yay!!! Everything went well until we put together our new IKEA bed. I have been so excited about this new bed. My sister, Meredith and I put it together at 10:00 on Saturday fell apart. That's right, Meredith, Wes and I moved 3 inches to fit under the window and the legs broke! THREE INCHES!! You should be able to move furniture, right? I mean, it's a bed...2 people should be able to lay/sleep/sit/or anything else on it...

So, needless to say, I am a little upset with IKEA. Furthermore, they don't answer the phone in the customer service department so we took it apart as much as we could, we have to get it in one of our small cars and drive it back to get a refund. NO, I am not exchanging it for the same bed. If anyone knows of any inexpensive Queen size beds, let me know~

Friday, January 18, 2008

There's a first time for everything

OK, so I started this blog about 6 months ago and never posted anything so I guess it wasn't really a blog. Wes has is own for music purposes, so even though this is "our" blog, you will probably only see posts from me (Lex). There really is a lot going on in our lives now so it is appropriate to have this thing.

For those of you that don't know, we are living in the Atlanta, GA area. We just bought a house! It's in Alpharetta, GA which is due north of the city. We're suburbanites now! I will post pictures of the house when we take some good ones. Right now, we are having painters in and random stuff fixed before we move in. Hopefully, we are moving in next weekend...we are willing to take help if you are offering ;). It's really exciting to BUY our first house (we had a house in Wilmington that we inherited and are/were incredibly grateful for but we actually bought this one so it makes me feel like we are actually adults or something. But I guess that's not true because we are going to see a Michael Jackson cover band tonight in Midtown...yes!!!

Well, I guess I'll post more when I get some pictures...I like reading other people's blogs even if they are about everyday things so maybe they will like this too.