baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Monday, May 24, 2010

No longer shall we be Hot-Lantans

That's right. Wes and I are moving back to the Port City, to Wilmy, whatever you want to call it: We're moving HOME. I gave my notice at work today and yet it's still surreal. We've been here for almost three years, more than half our marriage. I'm ready (and I think I can safely say Wes is too) to head back to the beach, to be surrounded by family and our old friends and to start the next phase of our lives.

I will be working in the office at Chrysalis Counseling Center and start mid-June. Wes will be working at Winter Park Baptist. We have to sell our house but since everything has worked out so perfectly so far, I have to believe that will work itself out too.

If you're in Wilmington, we'll see you this summer at the beach. If not, come visit!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Come Follow Me

I caved:

I don't have much more to say there than I do anywhere else, but at least this way, I can follow others. Inquiring minds want to know what folks are up to these days...