baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Map of swine flu outbreaks

Some of you may remember that Wes and I have booked a trip to Cancun May 22-26. We are going with four other couples and are really excited. Then this stupid flu started and I got phone calls and emails about how we should cancel. Well, we haven't cancelled yet. Although the cases in New York started from a group in Cancun, this map shows that there are no confirmed cases in Cancun as of today. So our plan is to wait a little while longer before making a decision. My initial feelings are that by May 22, this will go away and not be a big deal or will be so out of control that nobody is allowed to travel and we won't have a choice of whether we go or not. I really hope that we can go! I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying that this whole thing goes away.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Dishwasher

This past weekend our dishwasher stopped working. We figure it was the original one in the house that was built in 1982 because it's REALLY loud and had a copper hose connecting to the hot water and apparently, that's really out of style. Anyway, Wes took the whole thing apart as you can see here to see if he could fix the old one.

After completely discecting that one, we realized that it definitely was done for and we'd have to get a new one. So, I went to my handy dandy favorite website, Craigslist and started bargain shopping. We ended up finding one up in Cumming (another suburb of Atlanta but further north than us). We drove up there borrowing the Andrews' van and came away with a Super nice Adora GE quiet dishwasher. We were able to get it for $150 instead of at least twice that for a new one that would be somewhat good. Yay for saving money buy purchasing used. It's about 2 years old. It took a couple of days and a few trips to Home Depot, but Wes and our neighbor got it in and working. It's so quiet!

No, it's not sitting on the floor here as we use it :). But I can't upload anymore pics right now for some reason...
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