baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No More Honeywell

Today was my last day at Honeywell. My next day of work will be June 21 with Chrysalis in Wilmington. After a brief training period, I will be the Office Manager there. This is exciting for me because it is a completely different industry. I've never been involved in any aspect to the medical field so I'm really excited about the opportunity. After working for an international manufacturer, it's REALLY exciting to start in an industry where it is next to impossible to move jobs overseas. I will miss great employee discounts and a partially matched 401K, but I'm really looking forward to working for a locally owned and operated small business.

In the meantime, we will pack as much as we can into our little cars and head east. I'll have 11 days to break from work in order to move and hit the beach. Hopefully, people will come and see our house and buy it so we can start to look for a house in Wilmington. The house will officially list tomorrow so I'll post that information when I can. If you know of anyone wanting an ADORABLE 3 bedroom/2 bathroom ranch house on a cul-de-sac in Alpharetta with a white picket fence, you let me know!

Friday, June 4, 2010

One Week

A week from today, we're headed home. You can find us here for the rest of the summer:

Monday, May 24, 2010

No longer shall we be Hot-Lantans

That's right. Wes and I are moving back to the Port City, to Wilmy, whatever you want to call it: We're moving HOME. I gave my notice at work today and yet it's still surreal. We've been here for almost three years, more than half our marriage. I'm ready (and I think I can safely say Wes is too) to head back to the beach, to be surrounded by family and our old friends and to start the next phase of our lives.

I will be working in the office at Chrysalis Counseling Center and start mid-June. Wes will be working at Winter Park Baptist. We have to sell our house but since everything has worked out so perfectly so far, I have to believe that will work itself out too.

If you're in Wilmington, we'll see you this summer at the beach. If not, come visit!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Come Follow Me

I caved:

I don't have much more to say there than I do anywhere else, but at least this way, I can follow others. Inquiring minds want to know what folks are up to these days...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Green Smoothies

This is my latest addiction. I was skeptical at first too, but after one sip, I'm hooked. I learned about green smoothies from some folks at my gym and thought the idea was impressive: drink a delicious fruit smoothie that has blended up dark leafy greens but still tastes like the fruit. I must say, the green smoothies I have made recently live up to that standard. Here's my personal recipe:

Handful of frozen fruit
5 Fresh strawberries
2 tablespoons of non-fat plain yogurt
1 tablespoon of no sugar added applesauce
splash of fruit juice (Trop 50 is my favorite)
BIG handful of fresh baby spinach

I blend the first 5 things starting on ice crush to get the frozen fruit really smooth. Once smooth (which by the way you could drink this if you are too scared of spinach), add spinach and blend long enough that the spinach is completely incorporated. Pour into a glass and enjoy.

Start by pouring into a dark glass just because the color may freak you out. If you use blueberries or pomegranate juice, it won't even be green.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's no MAC but can't beat that price...

Wes bought me a laptop for my birthday this year. Well, technically, it's a netbook. (Which, by the way, spell check doesn't register and wants me to change but according to this, it's a word). Wes has a MacBook and we both love it, but with him in school and having a crazy busy semester, I haven't always had a computer at my disposal while at the house. We have a Dell desktop that is 5 1/2 years old and it's running on borrowed time. We decided that it would be good to get an inexpensive laptop for me because basically all I need is to get on the web, run some basic applications and have iTunes. Off to Best Buy we went hoping that those PC people would be there that pay for your purchase if you find a PC in your budget. Alas, they weren't in Alpharetta this weekend so we paid for it ourselves. After about an hour of deciding, I went with the Gateway LT2104u and I really love it! Going in the store, I didn't think I would even like the netbooks but it is so handy and it fits right in my purse (ok, I carry large purses but still...).

LT2104u Notebook image 3