baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Birthday Weekend Part 2

Saturday we went to Lowe's to stock up on some veggies and herbs to plant. We started them in these pots because everyone around here says to wait to plant in the ground. It worked best for us in Wilmington to plant in pots, so hopefully they'll do well in these for a little while.  Also, Wes surprised me with a Topsy Turvy! So, we had to get a bunch of tomatoes to fill that thing up. I really hope they work. They are kind of tacky, but we're moving them to the back yard because it's fenced in and we have some serious deer that like to eat any and all plants.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just saw this thing on tv like two days ago. you'll have to let us all know how it works. faydra can't grow weeds and she'd love to have fresh tomatoes.
