baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Monday, January 26, 2009

A big year for Travel

Over the past few days, we have planned some really exciting travel times for 2009:

Either the first or last weekend of March: Wilmington to see the fams
March 13-15: Wes has some CBF Georgia thing in Columbus, GA that he's not really looking forward to and it probably won't be that great but the ACC Tournament is here so when he gets back we'll go try and get the tickets from the losing teams' fans. (OK, so that's not travel, but you know)
April 24-26: Rehoboth, Deleware for Wes' aunt's birthday celebration at her beach house
May 22-26: Cancun, Mexico with Wes' best friends to celebrate their 30th birthdays
June 7-10: I will be at a trade show in Houston (not all that exciting but a trip frequent flyer miles) and Wes will be in Asheville or Knoxville for the Phish shows
June 12-13: Bannaroo (with a free hook-up from a coworker if everything works out...that's right, FREE BANNAROO) and I won't have to take off because I'll have comp time from working the trade show golf tournament the Sunday before :)
July 3-4: Wes has to go to Houston (to the same conference center I am going to ironically enough) for the CBF General Assembly but I'm not going with him
July 16-19: Wilmington for Jamie and Patrick's wedding
September 4-7: Wilmington for family/Labor Day

So all these trips and I only have to take off 6 days! I still have 7 to play with. Well, not 7 because at least 3 of those will go toward Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's always good to save one up for that day in the summer that I will take off to go Kayaking or to a Braves game or in the Spring for camping. All in all, I think 2009 will be a great year!

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