baby, i can promise you that by the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same...

...and we're to blame

Thursday, January 8, 2009

They can't be serious...

Today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution had an article that was a little weird. Read this.

I can't imagine that they think the government is actually taking them seriously. I mean, give me a break. First, the quotes from this article are as if big guys in the the industry actually think that Americans can't be sexual without pornography. That's just insulting. Secondly, a porn star actually commented that she thought it was crazy that these gentlemen are asking for a bailout. She seems to be doing fine since she makes $1,200-$2,000 for one scene in an "adult film". I can't imagine what senators and representatives will think or do when they actually ask for this. Or maybe they already have at this point. Still, I'd like to see their faces during the request. CNN's Campbell Brown even reports, "They concede the $13 billion industry is in no fear of collapse, but say in this environment, why take chances?" People are losing their houses to foreclosures, being laid off after 30 years of service and losing their retirement savings because of the economy and this is where American tax payers money should go?


p.s. I apologize if any of those Google ads are advertising any adult or inappropriate websites through my blog. I don't choose which ads pop up!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I always thought that the porn industry would have good business regardless of our economy. So I'm surprised.

But I think it's ridiculous that this is even being considered. Sadly though, the flood gates have been opened for any and all business to make a claim for a bailout now that the banking and auto industry has gotten theirs.